Tuesday, July 17, 2007

2.Tips for playing Movie in MS Paint

1) Open your favorite movie player and play the movie.(I played the .mpeg format in Windows Media Player)
2) Hit "PrintScreen", keep playing the movie in the player,dont stop it.
3) Open MsPaint.
4) Select "Edit>Paste" Or Hit "CTRL+V"
5) Presto! You can watch movie in Paint!
6) But there are no Pause, Next, Previous, Stop etc. buttons

This happens 'cause windows replaces a specific color with the video wherever it is on the screen (the color is a finer shade of black, the difference is unnoticeable to the human eye). Here's a picture with that color.http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/1407/movieviewerxs8.png Just open it in any picture viewer while playing a video..enjoy :)

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